Explore the Collections

To the tool: https://datalab.landesmuseum.de/CSN

We love visualising data!

The Collection Space Navigator (CSN) is an exploratory visualisation tool for exploring collections and their multidimensional representations. The tool was developed to better understand multidimensional data, their methodological and semantic qualities through spatial navigation and filtering. The CSN is used here with parts of the digital collections of Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe and Allard Pierson Amsterdam. It enables individual areas of the collection to be better explored and displayed and is thus a starting point for further collection research, as well as being beautiful.

The tool was developed by Tillmann Ohm and Mar Canet Solà within the CUDAN ERA Chair project for Cultural Data Analytics (https://cudan.tlu.ee) funded by the European Commission and adapted within the framework of 'Creative User Empowerment'(2023) by Tillmann Ohm, Etienne Posthumus, Sonja Thiel.


Code: https://github.com/Badisches-Landesmuseum/CSN

Tool: https://datalab.landesmuseum.de/CSN

Read a Blogpost about the CSN