

Chat History

2023-09-21 13:02:10 JSON

show me a portret of vondel

Here are some portraits related to Vondel that you might find interesting:

  1. Vondels Lucifer - A portrait from 1917. You can view the image here.

  2. Vondel, Joost van den, 1587-1679 - A bust with a cap and two tassels on the chest. The description mentions an inscription on the front of the pedestal. You can find more details and the image here.

  3. Vondel, Joost van den, 1584-1679 - A half-length portrait slightly turned to the right. It is framed in a black profiled frame with a golden inner frame. You can view the image here.

These are just a few examples. Let me know if you would like more information about any of these portraits or if you're interested in a different aspect of Vondel's life or work.

where can i find portret 3

You can find the third portrait of Vondel at the Allard Pierson Museum. The image and more information about the portrait can be found on the museum's website. You can access the portrait here. Enjoy exploring!

show me the protrets in the professorenkamer

In the professorenkamer (professors' room) at the Allard Pierson Museum, you can find various portraits. Here are a few examples:

  1. Natuurkundige kamerproeven tot ontspanning en leering - A portrait from 1897. You can view the image here.

  2. De Eerste Kamer in Nederland - A thesis from 1918. You can find more details and the image here.

These are just a couple of examples. If you're interested, I can provide more information about the other portraits in the professorenkamer. Just let me know which one catches your attention the most!

show me the paintings in the University library

Here are some paintings related to the University library:

  1. De openbare leeszaal en bibliotheek, Keizersgracht 444-446 - A painting from 1919 showcasing the public reading room and library. You can view the image here.

  2. Proef van letteren, vervaardigd en te bekomen bij Elix & Co., lettergieters, boekdrukkers en uitgevers - A painting from 1838 showcasing a sample of letters produced by Elix & Co. You can find more details and the image here.

These are just a couple of examples. If you're interested, I can provide more information about the other paintings in the University library. Just let me know which one catches your attention the most!