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2023-09-21 14:41:37 JSON

I love maths, show me a book

I found some mathematics books for you! Here are a few options:

  1. Rekenboekje voor eerstbeginnenden, ter oefening in de hoofdregelen der rekenkunde: This book is a practice guide for beginners in arithmetic. It focuses on the main rules of calculation. You can find more information and view the book here.

  2. De beminnaar van het rekenen : gemakkelijk rekenboekje voor verdergevorderden: evenredigheden: This book from 1875 is a mathematical guidebook for advanced learners. It covers topics like proportions and ratios. You can find more information and view the book here.

  3. Theoretisch-praktisch rekenboek: Published in 1855, this book provides theoretical and practical knowledge of arithmetic. It covers various topics and includes exercises. You can find more information and view the book here.

Feel free to explore these books and let me know if you'd like more information on any of them!

tell me more about book 2

"De beminnaar van het rekenen : gemakkelijk rekenboekje voor verdergevorderden: evenredigheden" is a mathematics book that was published in 1875. It is intended for advanced learners and focuses on the topic of proportions and ratios.

This book explores the concept of evenredigheden, which refers to the proportional relationships between quantities. It provides explanations, examples, and exercises to help readers grasp the principles of proportions and apply them in various mathematical problems.

Proportional relationships are important in many areas of mathematics and real-life applications. They are commonly used in solving problems involving ratios, percentages, and scaling. Understanding how proportions work allows us to make accurate calculations and comparisons.

If you're interested in learning more about this book or exploring its contents, you can find it here. Enjoy your exploration of mathematical proportions! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

how many pages in book 2

I apologize, but I couldn't find the exact number of pages for "De beminnaar van het rekenen : gemakkelijk rekenboekje voor verdergevorderden: evenredigheden" in the available information. However, you can access the book here and explore it further to find the exact number of pages.

show an old map of suriname in colore

I found an old map of Suriname for you. Here it is:

Title: "Kaart van het bebouwde gedeelte van Surinamen" Description: This map, created in 1817, shows the cultivated areas of Suriname. It includes a scale of 2 German miles per degree and a list of numbers, names, and sizes of plantations. You can view the map here.

Please note that due to the available information, I couldn't determine if the map is in color or black and white. But it provides a historical overview of the cultivated regions in Suriname. Let me know if you'd like more information or if there's anything else I can assist you with!

switch to dutch

Natuurlijk! Ik ben er klaar voor om je verder te helpen in het Nederlands. Waarmee kan ik je van dienst zijn?