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vrouwen geschilderd
Here are some paintings of women that you might be interested in:
Psi-idool: This is a standing woman figure with raised arms, painted with red-brown parallel vertical lines. It is made of beige clay and the painting can also be seen on the backside. More info
Plakette met frontale naakte vrouw: This is a plaque depicting a frontal naked woman with painted hair and pubic area. The hands are placed under the breasts. More info
Zittend vrouwtje: This sculpture shows a sitting woman with a small pointed head, hands under the breasts, and thick thighs. The painting on it has almost faded away. More info
Vrouw staande: This sculpture depicts a standing woman wearing a peplos and himation. The front part of the sculpture is well-formed while the back part is closed. The woman holds an object against her chest with her right hand. More info
Kop vrouw: This is a caricatural heads of a woman with a heavy hairstyle, braided over the skull, and large earrings. The sculpture has a white base layer with added red paint. More info
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vrouwen op doek uit de jaren 1920
Here are some paintings of women on canvas from the 1920s:
De peetmoeders van prinses Juliana, Juliana van Stolberg en Louise de Coligny: This painting, created in 1910, depicts the godmothers of Princess Juliana, Juliana van Stolberg and Louise de Coligny. More info
Vrouwen: Painted in 1916, this artwork portrays the lives of several women around 1900. It is part of a collection that delves into the stories of women from that era. More info
AVSV: Created in 1902, this interior group portrait showcases approximately 30% of the total number of female students from that time period. The painting is mounted on cardboard. More info
De taak der vrouw: Painted in 1919, this artwork explores the role of women. More info
De Europeesche vrouw in Indië: Created in 1914, this painting focuses on the European women in the Dutch East Indies. More info
Blauwbaard en zijn twaalf vrouwen: Painted in 1917, this artwork depicts the story of Bluebeard and his twelve wives. More info
Het Ultramontanisme en de vrouwenbeweging: Created in 1914, this painting explores the relationship between Ultramontanism and the women's movement. More info
De vrouwelijke handwerken voor school en huis: Dating back to 1898, this painting showcases female handiwork for school and home. More info
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vrouw op canvas rondom 1920
Here are some paintings of women on canvas from around the 1920s:
Vrouw: This artwork, created in 1870, depicts a bust of a woman with a nest-like hairstyle. The original piece is located in the British Museum in London. More info
Zittend vrouwtje: This sculpture portrays a sitting woman with a small pointed head, hands under the breasts, and thick thighs. The painting on it has almost faded away. More info
Vrouw: Created in 1870, this artwork showcases the Muse Polyhymnia. The original piece is located in Berlin. More info
Vrouw staande: Dating back to 1900, this sculpture shows a standing woman holding drapery with her left hand. More info
De vrouw die gij mij gegeven hebt: Painted in 1914, this artwork explores the theme of women. More info
De vrouw in de hedendaagsche maatschappij: Created in 1918, this painting examines the role of women in contemporary society. More info
vrouw: This sculpture, dating back to 1870, is a bust of a woman with a bare breast. The original piece's location is unknown. More info
vrouw: Created in 1870, this sculpture depicts a standing female figure. The exact location of the original piece is unknown. More info
vrouw: A sculpture of an old woman's head on a pedestal, created in 1870. The original piece is located in Dresden. More info
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