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2023-09-21 16:01:03 JSON

show me material from the old kingdom

Here are some objects from the Old Kingdom:

  1. Schale mit Omphalosboden (Bronzezeit): Link to Object Description: This small bowl features an omphalos base and a division and profiling of the wall through wide horizontal grooves.

  2. Wandmalereifragment mit Inschrift (Neues Reich / Ägypten <Altertum): Link to Object Description: This fragment of a wall painting shows a part of a hieroglyphic inscription, along with a T-bread and two swallows. It is believed to have come from the tomb of Sobek-hotep, a high official under Pharaoh Thutmose IV.

  3. Eiförmiger Topf (Prädynastische Zeit): Link to Object Description: This vessel is hand-formed and made of clay rich in silicon and iron oxide, typical of Nile deposits. It has a small base and dates back to the Naqada culture, a copper age culture that existed in Egypt before the Old Kingdom.

  4. Eiförmiges Gefäß (Naqada II, um 3500-3200 v. Chr.): Link to Object Description: This decorated ceramic vessel, known as "D-Ware," features six ibexes between two bands of stroke groups. It was likely a funerary offering.

  5. Schminkpalette mit Vögelköpfen (Naqada II, um 3500-3200 v. Chr.): Link to Object Description: This cosmetic palette is adorned with two bird heads and was probably used as a burial item.

Please let me know if you would like more information about any of these objects or if there's something specific you're interested in related to the Old Kingdom!